Wednesday, January 19

Hop the Fence

I went for a walk yesterday right at sunset, and whipped out my camera when I noticed how nicely the sun hung right above this faded wooden fence.  A picturesque ending to a beautiful day.
Fences are interesting things.  We set them up to establish boundaries, to keep trespassers out, and perhaps to create a feeling of privacy and security.  Some fences are lightweight, unimposing little things that exist merely to mark a property line.  Other fences are tall and dark, cutting us off from the world around us.  One of the images that is brought to my mind is that of Tim Allen leaning over a tall wooden fence, conversing with his intellectual neighbour.  (Yes, that TV show was a bit before my time... DVD collections are a wonderful thing.)
Many of us have invisible fences, as well.  A positive example of this type of fence might be our moral boundaries.  Each of us sets a limit for himself on what is right and wrong; these days, fences such as this are often somewhat vague- perhaps merely a peg in the ground here and there.  Ironically, the fences that should be less restricting, the ones between us and those we interact with, are all too often large and intimidating.  What blessing we often miss by failing to connect with those around us!  God calls us to love our neighbours, not wall ourselves in and try to keep ourselves immune to contention and strife.
Perhaps an even more significant fence is the one between faith in God and faith in some other worldview, such as atheism or humanism.  Some of us were raised in Christian homes, but for millions of people around the world, there is a huge fence which must be crossed.  One one side lies the opinions and standards of the world- and there are a lot to choose from!  Atheism, humanism, New Age philosophies, and a host of other religions.  On the opposite side lies the brilliant joy and peace of a saving relationship with God through the work of Jesus Christ.  Crossing the fence involves sacrifice; one must decide whether he is willing to give up the temporary pleasures of the world and face opposition in exchange for fulfillment and eternal life.  I pray this is a choice you have already made, and that you are reaping the benefits of giving up a life of worldliness and embracing salvation.  If not, I would ask you to reconsider where you stand and why, and to take a good look at that fence and what lies on the other side.

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